FAQ - CobraCooler
Portable Coolant Recirculator
(Attaches to CobraTig® 150 welding power source)
Q. Can I use automotive anti-freeze in my Cobra Cooler?
No. Automotive anti-freeze is corrosive to the internal parts of both the CobraCooler and any MK Weldheads being used. Use Cobra Coolant, or contact factory for further information.
Q. I have everything hooked up properly and the Cobra Cooler powered on, but the coolant is not flowing through the lines and back to the reservoir. What is happening??
There could be a bubble in one of the lines, unplug the hose connection at the cooler, and then reconnect. Also tilt the Cobra Cooler by lifting front end, this can aid in getting flow started if there is an air bubble in one of the lines.