ACL Software and Firmware
Installation Instructions for ACL models 254-202 & 254-203: PDF
Latest ACL Firmware Downloads
To Download: For Windows: Right click on the link and select "save target as".
ACL Classic VIA | ACL Classic Nvidia | ACL Advanced GUI | ACL Complete Set |
VIA Graphics Motherboard |
Nvidia Graphics Motherboard |
Advanced GUI |
3 Latest Versions, Boot and Instructions |
Version 1011 | Version 1011N | Version 1702 | Version 1011, 1011N and 1111 |
Bin file
(200kb) |
Bin File
(200kb) |
Bin File
(7mb) |
(See Below) |
(Bin file) |
(Bin file) |
(Bin file) |
ZIP (40mb)
(3 Bin files, Boot and Instructions) |
ACL Demos
These files are images of bootable demo CDs that you can run on a standard PC without installing anything onto your hard drive.
To create a live CD follow the directions below: