Q1. How can I extend the reach of my welding gun? And...
Q2. How do I protect the threaded end of the barrel from damage?
A. Answer to both questions:
MK Products delivers guns with a standard contact tip and standard gas cup. However, all MK Products push-pull guns can be fitted with a tip extender, and probably should be.
Not only can tip extenders extend the reach of your gun, but tip extenders also protect the threaded end of your barrel from damage. Some are stackable and some are not. Check your product catalog to determine which are stackable.
In the Connectivity Guide for Cups and Tips you will see that each gun has the potential to be re-configured to meet nearly any requirement you may have.
Not only can tip extenders extend the reach of your gun, but tip extenders also protect the threaded end of your barrel from damage.
Standard ¼ inch contact tip configured barrels (Cobra MX and Cobra Gold) can be changed to a MAX tip and cup configuration by using P/N 003-2210.
Note that the pictured configurations on the guide may require longer liners. On the back of the MK Products Teflon Liner packages there is a chart with cutting lengths. See the guide for more information.
Refer to the Connectivity Guide for Cups and Tips provided (click here to view) or contact your MK Products Representative or Customer Service.
MK Products welding guns can be fitted with tip extenders or adapters. See guide to see various configurations.